Wednesday, May 19, 2010

PD Hours & Dates

Please complete and submit your PD hours for our Collegial Circle (Contemporary Literature Reading Group) or SOTA Book Club.

We met this year on the following dates:

You may take up to 24 hours. Please adjust based on how often you attended meetings (or commented on the blog), but remember that reading a book takes several hours per book. We trust you to give yourself the # you deserve.

Please post comments/suggestions how the book club can be strengthened or more useful.

Please post comments/suggestions for SUMMER READING selections!

1 comment: said...

Summer reading suggestions:
The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barberry
(orginal, poignant and would love to know your reactions to the conclusion)

Benny and Shrimp Katarina Mazetti (quick, fun and quirky)

Old Filth - Jane Gardham (what a character: Failed in London Tried Hong Kong- the reticent and multi layered Brit)

Minotaur- Benjamin Tammuz- Israeli writer- in the vein of Graham Greene- fast read, secret agent, love and control. Not an action novel, but something darker and more twisted.